
When your passion & purpose collide
... it's magic.

My  soul has thrived since I started truly living my purpose.  Ok  let's back up a little.... My FAITH has been my PASSION since I became a mamma and found myself teaching Sunday School to the littlest blessings.  Fast forward 8 years (and three more kiddos later) I found myself returning to the workforce at my neighborhood church about a mile from my home. I’ve been there 23 years now. I provide programming for children, teens and adults and lead multiple outreach endeavors. RAISING HOPE is the reason for most of what I do.... at work, in the community,  and through my mini ministry in my Etsy shop. I SEE my purpose as raising hope in others. When my passion and purpose collide its magic. My soul sings. I would love to guide people to find that magic so their soul can sing too.

You don't have to do it alone.

It's time you finally did that thing you've always wanted to do.

As your coach I would guide you through a journey of self discovery.  YOU would own your journey, exploring inward, seeking the answers that are nested somewhere between where you are and where you want to be. As your coach I won't give you the answers or even suggest a solution. YOU hold your answers. And I will support you to build relevant strategies to get you to your desired goal.

How it works


You  discover where you are and
decide where you want to be.
You own your journey.


Then the growth happens when
you do all the hard things.


You  get to where
you want to be. 

There is power in curiosity

believe in yourself
and your goals

Asking the hard questions & unearthing the answers you seek

Deep is where you have to go to discover the YOU you want to be. CURIOSITY nudges you out of your comfort zone and into the GROWTH ZONE.  And as you grow you just might find that you 

Just a few thoughts:

I am confident I can reach my goal.

I am whole, strong, resourceful and resilient.

I am limitless.

I am a barrier breaker.

I can do hard things.

The results


know you are worthy

Know you are whole.

know you are capable

know that you are a mountain mover.

know that you can live a
life of purpose and intention.

Book a complementary discovery call

- CarolynN

“Getting coached
changed how
I show up for myself”

~ Romi

"I let go of negative habits and built some new ones that got me closer to being the person I want to be. It wasn't easy but it was so worth it "

This could be you....


"I found what my heart beats for"

~ Jinx

"The power of finding my purpose lies within me"

Client Quotes

"Wendy’s coaching style is highly motivational - her positivity and enthusiasm is infectious and I always left our sessions with a spring in my step and a smile. Wendy is kind, caring and genuine. It was always clear that as a client, I was the priority during our time together. She helped me question my thoughts and beliefs in a safe environment and enabled me to make steps towards my goals. I highly recommend Wendy as a coach and would definitely seek out her services again in future."


“ I didn't think I'd
ever feel limitless.
But I do. ”

I knew there was more but I didn't know I could find it inside of me.
 I had it in me all along. I just had to learn to talk back to my negative self talk. Once I did that I felt limitless

- Navi


Book Your Discovery Call

Maybe you're still wondering if coaching is for you. I totally get it. A complementary discovery call just might give you some clarity. 

Book a complementary
Call here

Coaching brings you to a depth of
self awareness that you can't imagine until it's happening. 

my signature offerings

Coaching Packages

Package 1 includes:
 Six 60-minute 1:1 zoom calls in a 2-month timeframe
Support via email and WhatsApp between sessions
Throughout the 6 sessions, you will:
    Build self-awareness
    Discover strengths and resources
    Craft goals
    Develop actionable steps toward goals
    Devise accountability strategies

BELIEVE IN YOU  is a group coaching experience with           up to 6 participants. BELIEVE includes:
Six  75-minute group zoom calls in a 3 month timeframe         dates to be announced
Support via email between sessions
Support from group via WhatsApp 
Throughout the 6 sessions, you will :
    Build self-awareness
    Discover strengths and resources
    Explore purpose
    Craft goals
    Develop actionable steps toward goals
    Tackle limiting beliefs
    Devise accountability strategies
Deeper understanding through shared discussions and          insights

Package 1


Single 60-minute 1:1 zoom call
    Support via email and WhatsApp between sessions if 
    more than one session is booked
During a single session, you will BEGIN  to :
    Build self-awareness
    identify a goal
    Discover strengths and resources
    Develop actionable steps toward the goal
    Devise an accountability strategies

Purchase 1
or more single sessions